Can Veneers Help My Chipped Teeth?

Did you  know that dental veneers can create a perfect “Hollywood” smile? They can cover up many minor tooth imperfections, which can give you new self-confidence.

You can get veneers over only one of your teeth, although most people choose to get them on the front teeth that are most visible. If you don’t know what veneers can help with, Dr. Thomas D. Sokoly of Sokoly Dental explains more in this article.

What are veneers?

Dental veneers are thin tooth-colored shells that are permanently attached to your teeth. They’re often made out of ceramic or resin-composite materials, but Dr. Sokoly uses porcelain for the best results. You can choose the shade of the veneers, making them an ideal choice for people with darker-than-average dentin (the material inside your tooth). 

Your teeth are filed down to make room for the veneers; usually, this is only a half of a millimeter. Because we have to remove the top layer of your teeth to place the veneers, it’s considered a permanent option, but the average lifespan of veneers is about 10 years

After the procedure, you can look forward to your teeth looking and feeling completely natural.

How veneers can help your teeth

Getting veneers on your teeth is an excellent way to cover up minor imperfections in your smile. 

Some of the uses of veneers include:

Your teeth can look completely different after getting veneers. Even if you think you need braces, you may be surprised by what veneers can do to fix your smile.

Treating chipped teeth

You can crack or chip your teeth pretty easily. Although dental enamel is the strongest surface in the body, it can still become weakened by ordinary habits, including chewing ice and using your teeth to open objects instead of using scissors.

Getting immediate attention is essential if you chip your tooth, even if you don’t think it’s a big deal. Having a chipped tooth can lead to additional problems, including further damage, infections, and even tooth loss. 

Dr. Sokoly offers several restoration options to choose from. One of the best is veneers because they cover the chip or crack and also provide a healthy, smooth dental surface. The advantages are more than just cosmetic, though that’s also a nice bonus for many people.

The process of getting veneers

When you decide to get veneers, you’ll come in for a visit with Dr. Sokoly. You’ll first get X-rays to look for any damage that must be fixed before you get veneers. If he gives you the go-ahead for veneers, your teeth will have about half of a millimeter removed from the enamel. He uses a small grinding tool to remove the enamel. Next, he’ll take a mold of your teeth, which will be sent off to a lab.

Once your veneers come back from the lab, your teeth will first be cleaned to make sure they’re placed on a healthy surface. We check the position and color of your veneers to make sure they’re a good fit. Then, we’ll use a slightly rougher grinder to create a surface that allows your teeth to stick well to the type of dental cement we use to place the veneers.

If you’ve been thinking about fixing your chipped tooth, there’s no better option than dental veneers. Contact Dr. Thomas D. Sokoly at Sokoly Dental in Washington, DC, or schedule an appointment online.

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