The Many Roles a Crown Fills

You want to have the most beautiful possible smile but sometimes nature doesn’t always give you what you want. You may have one or more damaged teeth, which can leave your smile looking less-than-perfect and leave you open to oral health problems.

Dental crowns, which are caps placed over your tooth, are about more than just cosmetic restoration. Dental crowns have several advantages for your overall health. Dr. Thomas D. Sokoly of Sokoly Dental in Washington, DC offers this helpful guide to explain the many benefits of getting a dental crown.

Strengthen your teeth

Whether your teeth have cracks, chips, or other weaknesses, a crown can provide stability to their structure. When teeth become too weak, you’re at greater risk of losing them, even if you practice good dental hygiene.

We can often preserve a tooth by placing a strong material, such as porcelain or ceramic, in a crown that sits on top of the tooth’s surface, covering and protecting the weaknesses. In this way, we can prevent further problems, such as additional cracking, decayed roots, or even tooth loss. 

Cover deep fillings

Sometimes, you have to get fillings because part of a tooth has decayed. After Dr. Sokoly removes the decayed parts of your tooth by using a special drill, he places a filling, which is made of composite or metal, in the hole.

Particularly large fillings can weaken tooth structure, regardless of the material used. Without crowning, eventually these fillings will have to be replaced because they either wear out or because new decay has formed around them. Instead, to be proactive, we remove the old filling, file down the tooth, then cap it with a sturdy crown. 

A crown can be a better alternative to simply replacing an old filling with a new one. It’s a more permanent solution and can stop new decay from forming, assuming you keep up with good oral hygiene habits.

Restore your tooth after a root canal

A root canal is a common dental procedure in which Dr. Sokoly drills into your tooth to remove a damaged or infected nerve and pulp. The pulp is the soft inner tissue that surrounds your tooth’s nerve. A root canal is a very important procedure, as leaving an infected nerve intact can lead to a more serious infection that could cause additional oral health problems and even spread the infection to other parts of your body.

However, it’s also necessary to rebuild the parts of the tooth that we remove. First, Dr. Sokoly will seal the hole left behind by the root canal using a rubber compound called gutta-percha and a sealer paste. He may also include an antibiotic solution to ensure he’s eliminated the infection. Then, he’ll build up the tooth using composite and top it with a crown for protection. The crown provides a permanent and attractive option for stabilizing the partially missing tooth.

To anchor bridges

Dental bridges are a series of two or more crowns placed around a missing tooth. A bridge is an excellent solution for missing teeth if you opt against a dental implant. Dr. Sokoly first files down the nearby teeth and puts crowns on them, then places a ceramic composite or porcelain-fused-to-metal “tooth” between them to cover over the area of the missing tooth. 

Crowns can be made out of composite or metal. Many people choose composite crowns because they match the shade of your other teeth and therefore look perfectly natural in your mouth. Crowns can also be constructed for strictly cosmetic reasons, particularly if you are unhappy with the appearance of any of your teeth.

Getting a crown can make a significant difference in the long-term health of your teeth. If you have questions about the procedure or would like a consultation with Dr. Sokoly about getting a crown, call us today at 202-280-2428 or request an appointment online.  

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