Why Straight Teeth Matter

Why Straight Teeth Matter

Having a straight, even smile is often a matter of genetics. For others, it might be achieved by wearing braces. But if you never had to wear braces because your teeth weren’t very crooked, you can still benefit from aiming to have straighter teeth.

Straight teeth improve your life in plenty of ways, including your social life and your physical health. It’s never too late to try to get the smile of your dreams. Dr. Thomas D. Sokoly and our team at Sokoly Dental in Washington, DC, explain more about how and why you might want to improve the positioning of your teeth.

The physical benefits of straight teeth

You may not know it, but having straight teeth has numerous benefits for your overall health. They include:

Straight teeth offer many positive outcomes.

The social benefits of straight teeth

With straight teeth, you’re more likely to smile more often. That alone makes a big difference in how you’re perceived by others. 

But beyond that, having straighter teeth is associated with being more successful. A study by Invisalign® found that people with straight teeth are positively impacted in both the dating market and in their success at work.

Two in five of the respondents said they wouldn’t make a second date with someone who had crooked teeth. And more than half of the respondents said they believed someone with straight teeth is more likely to get a job than an equally-qualified candidate. Clearly, first impressions matter, and straight teeth are a great way to make a positive one.

How to get straighter teeth

If your teeth aren’t naturally straight, we can help. Some of the best options for getting straighter teeth include:


The Invisalign system uses a series of custom-made, clear thermoplastic aligners to gradually move your teeth into a more attractive position. It’s an incredibly popular alternative to the old school method of metal braces because most people can’t even tell that you’re wearing them.

You need to wear the Invisalign aligners for 20-22 hours a day, taking them out only to eat or drink. Of course, you need to brush and rinse your mouth after eating or drinking. The better your compliance with wearing the aligners, the faster you see results.

Invisalign can treat many dental conditions, including:

The best way to know for sure if your teeth will respond well to the Invisalign system is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sokoly.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers can fix your smile in much less time than Invisalign, and for some patients, they’re a superior option.

Veneers are thin porcelain sheets that place over your natural teeth. They are a permanent commitment because we have to file down your natural teeth to make room for them.

Most people are very happy with their veneers. In a survey on RealSelf, which is a cosmetic procedure site, 89% of people who chose veneers said the cosmetic treatment was worth it.

To make sure your veneers last, be sure to use caution. For example, don’t bite into packaging or chew on ice. For most people, veneers last 7-15 years.


If your teeth only need a little bit of help, bonding may be the right solution. Dental bonding uses composite resin to close gaps, lengthen teeth, and shape your teeth. It’s one of the most inexpensive cosmetic dentistry options.

If your teeth aren’t straight and you would like them to be, schedule a consultation today to learn about your options. Call us at 202-235-2072 or feel free to send us a message if you have questions.

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